I hit the road today looking for a little decorator's pick-me-up. I took my former assistant with me on her last assignment. She screamed at me the whole way up and back... Even with Merritt as a handicap I acquired a pair of Century Bergeres...

...screaming out for Jim Thompson's Pebble and about 7 more plucked ducks worth of feathers. I also found 1 teeny blanc de chine lamp and 1 teeny potential blanc de chine lamp. Not bad.

It's been said before...I have a thing for lamps and chairs. What can I say? They find me. Mama needs a drink, though. That trip was hard on the ears.
View video of assistant appearing rational here.
You drove to Salem and back with sreaming child...I mean assistant...and then went to the Science Fair? You're crazy, you rock, but you're crazy...Merrit looks so cute in the back seat...I can't imagine her screaming...surely you made that up! xo Mrs. H