Monday, August 31, 2009


Don't ever say that I don't do my part in fueling the economy. Don't say it. 'Cause it ain't true. Just ask big wallet honcho guy. Today's progress consists of...

On the old Chinese lunch box. Actually, I don't know what the hell it is but it looks like ancient Tupperware with cool dragon hardware. This will now live between the Widdicomb chairs at the house of Silkwood. I just wish that it was insulated...then you would only have to reach down and pull out a cold one from your camouflaged Chinese woven fridge while barely moving your tush. Ancient Chinese secret, huh?

...and on the right is a Thebes stool. Egyptian Revival meets Arts and Crafts. Madeline Stuart made it lipstick sexy here...

...we might lacquer it like she did. If we do, though, this recliner is going to have a hard time keeping its Jack in the Box...if you know what I mean.

Last but not least...just as big wallet honcho guy rolled back into town...anticipating some sort of surface to put up his big tired wallet honcho feet on. We. Find. This.

A random bit of mid-century-ness. A bamboo bit of loveliness. Modern but classic. Loving. It. $250. Not to mention that it looks a lot better than I would look in the form of a coffee table. Whew.

Not that I wouldn't make a really beautiful coffee table. I just wouldn't cost $250...and I snore.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Spilled Milk

I feel like this...

...when this happens 5 times a day...

Should I really put these here?

Of course, I should.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lake Shasta

You get all packed and ready to go and somebody throws up... Well, NOT going would leave a bad taste in my mouth. See ya Friday.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Big Project Summer Progress

Making progess. Summer progess. Translation...slow progress.
Antique Chinese screens to be hung on entry wall. Screens from Dotson's Antiques in Coburg.

Here is the family room before...

...and here is the room half done. My clients said they wanted a recliner. I almost cried. Well, it turns out that Lee Industries makes a handsome recliner. Shame on me. Recliner and sectional covered in killer Kravet chenille that is over 100,00 double rubs. Wow. Great colors and cheap, too. Pillows by Peter Fasano. Waiting for custom Le Gracieux fabric for other pillows. I told my client that if I didn't have a coffee table by the time this furniture arrived...I would serve as his coffee table. Never tell a client that you will stand in for furniture. Not a good idea.

Close up of KILLER tiger stripe carpet. I love it. I have always wanted an office with an animal print carpet. Maybe while I am playing coffee table I can field calls and fax orders. On that carpet. On my hands and knees. Attractive and not at all humiliating.

Cool new shelf in hallway.

New bolster/lumbar for client's desk chair. Bounty paper towels served as inspiration.

Shot of guest room. Peter Fasano's Milky Way wallpaper. Pottery Barn bedding. Pillow made from batik fabric client brought back from Bali. Former raw pine side tables painted. Raffia headboard by West Elm.

...and here it is. Every project has one. That one unsuspecting item that takes forever. Full of roadblocks. Order gets lost. Yadiyadiya. Well, my current giant project has gone smoothly. Except. For. This. Who knew? The chair for the man of the house. The chair that Bright Chair Company built. The chair that big wallet honcho sits in every day trying to make more mula. He just wanted an office chair...and it took...forever. Sorry big wallet honcho. It's finally here, though. Bring home more bacon. In your Eno chair.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Looking back...slides were pretty fun.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pinch Me Stools

I am going to call these guys the Pinch Me Stools because these are what dreams are made of...

Just mix up a little Ficks Reed rattan with a little moody colored Groves Bros. hand-printed cotton...

...throw in a little Teflon coating just in case...and voilà've got yourself a couple of Pinch Me Stools.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cindy's House

Here is another neighbor turned friend turned client's house.
I'm telling you...I am dangerous to live near.

Entry with an old Chinese apothecary chest, Peking glass and a cubist oil from ebay.

Old Chinese console from ebay, platinum ribbed lamps by Christopher Spitzmiller, Kravet stools covered in Eric Cohler's Dinisen fabric for Lee Jofa.

Vintage cabinet with foo dogs.

...and the chairs. Are. Back. DYING. Chairs from Jon Vaccari antiques via 1stdibs recovered in Raoul Textiles' Ceylon in Cardamon. We laminated the fabric so that we could use PRETTY fabric on dining chairs that DIRTY MESSY BOYS eat on. Did I tell you that I am DYING?

Her husband called it. "So, I am buying really expensive custom vinyl. Right?" You got it. Check, please.

Sofa pillows in Schumacher's Fergana.

Oh, Crap

Baby number three. I didn't know she was going to redecorate a perfect room during her unmonitored nap...and make her daddy flip patties.


Go shopping for essentials.

Night night.

If you didn't laugh, you'd cry.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dad and Stepmom's House

My stepmother has good taste. It doesn't hurt to live 45 minutes from the Design Center. Lucky.
Here are some pics of their house in Half Moon Bay, CA.

She wanted a dog. So my dad bought her a Blue Dog by George Rodrigue (on the wall).
Oly coffee table, Rogers and Goffigon fabric on sofa with Jim Thompson silk pillows, Thomas Pheasant for Baker lamps, mohair club chair and seagrass rug.

Carver's Guild sunburst mirror and Oly Studio bookshelf.

Galbraith and Paul pendant. Vintage mismatched wingbacks in Nancy Corzine crewel on the front and mohair on the back.

Vintage stained wicker chairs in Pindler & Pindler's linen with Raoul Textiles pillows. Unlucky zebra on floor. Trot faster, friend.

Peter Dunham pillows on the sofa and Bergamo on the ottoman. Mercury glass lamps from Park Monceau Antiques in Atlanta...conveniently located next to Mrs. Howard.

Phillip Jeffries grasscloth, vintage farm table, Hickory Chair chairs with Alan Campbell's Zig Zag.
Vintage Italian prints from me (ebay).

Super cool vintage gilded yoga speed skater lamps from ebay. Old chests from The Heights antique store in Portland, OR.

Awesome kitchen with calcutta marble. I hate my kitchen. Hate hate hate. Did I say I hate my kitchen? I want a good kitchen when I grow up. Just like this.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Group stuff together for impact.

Vintage entombed butterflies.


Just tusks.

Coral twig Minton china.

Portieux and Vallerysthal (French opaline)...

Killa Italian villas...

Chinese blue and white...

Wicker baskets...