Flew into Dallas in the H1N1 capsule.

Checked in to the
Mansion on Turtle Creek.

Heaven on earth. Primped and came down for an incredible dinner. We closed the place. Really.

We woke up ready to do some damage. Dallas. Meet Visa. We hit
Mecox Gardens first. There are no words, people. These guys were unbelievable... They gave us our space but when we needed help they were there with paper and pen. Aren't they cute??? Sadly, they weren't for sale.

This table came in when we were shopping. Can you say SISTER WIVES?

Bought this shagreen beauty for the entry...

Wanted these
Spitzmillers in olive but they were too big so we had to get olive single gourds instead. Boo hoo. Kidding.

Got this rustic elmwood dining table.

I was feeling clammy but my client wasn't.

Bought one of these.

Picked this up for the guest room.

Which will include one little perfect pillow made from
Peter Fasano's Jaipur.

Almost bought these dining chairs from

Sadly...we missed the
Bunny signing.

Tired! Needing protein...and alcohol. Talk about southern hospitality. David from Mecox not only drove us to lunch but walked us in and introduced us. Per his suggestion we hit
Parigi's. Check out the cool 3-D cardboard artwork.

A great burger and fries...and I know something about a
burger and fries.

...since I am a burger heiress and I was a bit crabby I opted for the decomposed California Roll salad. I ate every single bite.

I told David that I like a little funk in my projects. I cannot buy everything from one place. Even Mecox. It just won't feel right. So...he suggested we hit
Great chairs...

Bought these gorgeous inlaid Syrian panels. Two together will be the coffee table.

Back to the Mansion. Regroom for dinner at
Al Biernat's. Killer.

Next day we hit the Design Center. We went to
George Cameron Nash. They are making a pewter colored sofa and a custom tufted toffee colored mohair banquette.
Pillows on the sofa in
Philip Gorrivan's Palladio for
Highland Court.

A couple of these little
Thomas O'Brien numbers are going to be really sexy in the living room covered in
Rose Cumming's Metallic Bird in orange.

We bought a couple of these
Christian Liaigre wall units at
Holly Hunt.

Dying. Quietly and slowly dying from the beauty of it all.
Custom Venini polyhedral chandelier from
Scott & Cooner.

Bought this for the living room at Gallerie Zuger.

Having a silk and wool pewter colored rug made by
Tai Ping.

Bought this from
Vaughan. Bling for the desk.

If you have a pulse then Michelle Nussbaumber of
Ceylon et Cie has been on your radar. She is the faux love child of
John Derian and
Madeline Weinrib. ON STEROIDS. I just HAD to go. Just had to... So, I dragged my client down the street from the Design Center. FYI. Nobody walks in Dallas. WE WERE THE ONLY ONES. Drivers take women from showroom to showroom. Even showrooms right next to each other....
Mrs. Robinson has nothing on this cougar. I mean, really. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Blue and white to end all blue and white.

Super horny.


Wanted these stools. Badly.

Funny. We saw this incredible vintage eglmoise mirrored table. It didn't work at all in the plan but my client and I couldn't forget it. So...sitting in the Denver airport on the way home I emailed my client and then phoned the store. Cha-ching. It's ours. Old table. New plan. Very David Hicks.

Bought this at Vaughan to sit on the eglomise table.

Then back to the Mansion...to primp...for another artery blowing dinner. At The Ritz. Heaven on earth. Again.

Glutinous first course. Outrageously delicious.

Au revoir Ritz. Au revoir Dallas.

Well, Dallas was great. I had the 5-Star tour which was fabulous. Next time, though, I want to throw in a little low-budget. Food, that is.

Seriously, where else can you order a custom Beretta while your trophy wife picks up a Chanel suit and Jimmy Choos to match? Only Highland Park. Dallas. Texas. Can't wait to go back.