I flew to San Francisco for a 48 hour trip. I dropped off our oldest child at my dad's house. She is going on a road trip with my family. They were going to pick her up in Oregon. I told them, "No. I'd be happy to fly her down to San Francisco. NO PROBLEM AT ALL. REALLY!"
Of course, any trip to SF includes a trip to the design center to restock my library. I lived out my fantasy decorator life for a few short moments. I set out as my alter ego. Jen West. Designer at Large.
Kidless and Calm. I drove there in this...my stepmother's car...the alter ego of my Suburban...

So...driving from Half Moon Bay to SF. Equipped with solid written directions, an
iphone GPS and a Lexus GPS...

this girl still managed to get lost. In the hood. Bonfire of the Vanities...but I didn't hit anybody. Lotta bars on the window. None on my phone. Good one, Jen.

Navigation has never been my strong suit. Ask my husband.
So...I escape the hood. (My father later informs me this wasn't the hood. The bars? A city thing. Everybody's doing it these days. You can take the decorator out of the country but...).
Call husband to check in. It is barely 10 am and he is very tired. Sitter just arrived. He says, "How can anybody do this? Get breakfast ready! Take a shower!" Uh huh. I hear ya. Loud and clear. Try doing all of that and faxing in orders and TRYING to sound professional. That is when I am thankful we have lots of closets. To hide in. When making business calls.
Finally. Find design center. Parking lot full of these. Decorator cliche.

NOT that there is anything wrong with that.
Hit my favorite showrooms.
Sooo excited. Sorry...this place just does it for me.
Peter Fasano at Sloan

Killer and edgy
Timorous Beasties Iguana wallpaper at
Desousa Hughes. Love love love.

Nice little modern pillow detail. Simple flat flange.

Loved these
Lesley Anton lamps. Earthy but hip.

Hwang Bishop lamps at Shears and Window.

Jasper furniture by
Michael Smith. Gorgeous. Fortune.

Died over this coffee table. Paramedics came.
Donghia showroom...
Elitis wallpaper that looks like a sheer curtain over...something. Super cool and modern. You would never ever ever know how cool this was from a wallpaper sample. Ever.
Kneedler Fauchere. I know.
Ikat graveyard. We're over it. Well, I'm not. It is a classic. Like leopard print. Or
Klismos chairs. Or whatever. Just get a good version. Not a knockoff version.

Ironies lantern. Mirrored. Pretty.

I always like a simple black and white stripe. Don't know why. I've never done anything in my house in it. Love it, though. Graphic, I guess.

Loved the detail on the back of this Chinese red leather chair.

...and this. The piece
de resistance. Wallpaper by...can't remember. Still have baby brain. Cool, though. Yes? Expensive? Very.